Best Age to Adopt A Puppy
Adopting a puppy is very exciting! Looking into these puppy eyes, you might want to adopt the entire litter.
Even though it might be the right timing for you to adopt a puppy, it might not be the right time for the puppy to get adopted yet. Keep reading to find out a good age for a puppy to be adopted.
Taking a puppy away from the litter too early may result in death
Just how newborn babies need their mom, puppies need their mom as well. The first 2-3 weeks puppies are not able to maintain their body temperature independently from their mother, which is why they need their mothers’ warmth and milk to survive. Their immune system is not strong enough to resist illness or environmental stress, which is why the mothers’ protection is so important the first few weeks of their lives. Taking away a puppy too early from the litter may result in death of the puppy.
Giving a puppy away too early is against the Law
There are laws protecting lives, including the life of animals. Taking a puppy away from the litter too early can be seen as animal cruelty and is therefore protected through laws. I created a map below to visualize at what age a puppy can be adopted.
It is a misdemeanor in most states to sell or give away a puppy that is less than 8 weeks old. As you can see on the map, there are a few states like Virginia and Maine where it is allowed to adopt a puppy at the age of 7 weeks. Most states require that the puppy needs to be able to eat solid foods in order to be adopted. Washington D.C. is the only district that allows puppies to be adopted at the age of 6 weeks.
Some states do not specify an age restrictions for puppies to be adopted but it is good to follow the general guideline of 8 weeks.
If you get offered a puppy that is between 2 and 8 weeks old, be suspicious of the seller/breeder. Especially when the puppy is labeled as a pure breed or as an expensive breed, it is very likely that the seller is trying to scam you for your money. It is difficult to see what kind of breed the puppy will become when they are so young.
Once you found a puppy you fell in love with, ask the seller/breeder to hold the puppy for you until he/she is 8 weeks old. You should be able to visit your puppy regularly until he/she is ready for adoption. In many cases, you are able to make a deposit, so the seller/breeder will hold the puppy for you.
Reasons to wait 8 weeks to adopt
Taking a puppy away from its litter may result in long term behavior issues that can simply be prevented by waiting.
The socialization phase for puppies starts between 6 and 12 weeks. During that time the puppy learns to communicate with other dogs. If your dog never learns how to understand other dogs, it is difficult for them to read body language of other dogs. Your dog might get into a fight more easily in a park because he/she can’t understand what other dogs are trying to tell your dog. Your dog might show aggressive behavior towards other dogs or strangers. Puppies that have been remove from their litter to early are also more likely to show undesired behaviors like:
Expressing fear during walks or of noises
Excessive barking
Toy and/or food possessiveness
Destructiveness of furniture or other items
Biting during playtime
It is possible to get rid of these issues through training. It takes a lot more time and effort to deal with these problems and sometimes it is easier to simply wait a few weeks. Especially aggression issues can be frustrating and overwhelming. Giving your puppy time to mature with the care of their mother seems like a healthy and easy solution to prevent future behavior problems.
Stronger Bond through Bottle Feeding at young age?
Some people claim that the bonding will be much stronger when you get a puppy at 2/3 weeks old. They believe that bottle feeding will strengthen the bond between owner and puppy.
Unless it is absolutely necessary to bottle feed a puppy (in case of the mothers death for example) restrain from an early adoption. As previously mentioned it is animal cruelty to take away a puppy too early from the litter and may result in death.
You will create an even stronger and healthier bond with your puppy after 8 weeks. All the previously mentioned behavior problems can be prevented by simply adopting after 8 weeks. The bond you will create by not dealing with these issues will create a much stronger bond than bottle feeding.
Whatever you do, you should always keep your puppies well-being in mind and sometimes it is worth the wait.
Good luck!