10 Tips When Traveling With A Dog

If you have booked a flight or thinking about booking a flight and planning on taking your dog with you, you came to the right place.

In the US, dogs up to 8kg (17.5lbs) can travel inside the cabin. The 8kg is misleading because the entire travel bag including your dog inside cannot exceed 8kg in total. Make sure your pet carrier is light-weight if your dog is close to the 8kg.

Here are 13 preparations before and during the flight that have helped me travel with my dog in the past:

One month before your flight

1.Travel Carrier

Make sure you get your pet carrier at least 2 weeks before your flight, so you have enough time to get your dog used to the carrier. The worst that can happen is if your dog is scared of the carrier and has to be inside of it for the duration of your flight. Play with your dogs’ favorite toy and throw it into the carrier to associate a positive memory with it. You can also hide some treats inside and make your dog look for them.

Even after traveling for more than 8 years with my dog, I still take out the carrier 2 weeks ahead of my flight to let him know that we will be traveling soon. Sometimes, I find him sleeping in his carrier and it is the sweetest thing. I use the StudiBag in the image shown. I bought it 8 years ago after trying several different pet carriers. I found this one the most flexible and light-weight one. I love that even though it is technically too big to take on an airplane, the top can be squished down to make it smaller. I have never had a problem with taking it on a plane and the flex-height is convenient for storing it underneath the seat.

2.Bring vaccinations up-to-date

In order to travel in the US, your dog has to have his rabies vaccinations. Depending on the country you are traveling to, you dog might need other vaccinations as well.

One week before your flight

3.Flea and Tick medication

Make sure you give your dog his medications (at least) 1 week before your flight. It would be very uncomfortable if you dog keeps scratching while on the plane. I always try to give my dog his medication at least 1 week before my flight simply because the treatment might cause a reaction (like diarrhea), which I would like to avoid during a flight.

4.Order an Absorbent Mat

I always carry a highly absorbent mat in the pet carrier, just in case. My dog has actually never used it but some airlines ask for a pet-relieve-waiver where you need to state your solution in case your pet has to relieve himself. Carrying an absorbent mat will also make you feel secure, just in case an accident happens, you will be able to just throw the mat out instead of having to clean up. Especially if it your first time traveling or if you are traveling with a puppy, definitely get one of these. Make sure you get the disposable ones that you can easily throw away.

5.Stress Relieve Drops

I am honestly no fan of medicating dogs on airplanes. Your dog needs to be conscious for his own safety. If his bag falls on the side or if another passenger is getting too close, your dog needs to react. If you dog is medicated, he has no chance of catching himself or move before he gets stepped on.

I found stress relieve drops that are 100% naturally made. They are homeopathic and help to calm your dog down. I have used them on my first flight ever since my dog was trying to get our of his bag whenever there was a noise nearby. I knew he was tired since I was very active with him before the flight but he just couldn’t relax. I gave him 4 drops and he finally lied down and relaxed. He was responsive and awake but he was calm. I only used them as my last resort since I do not like to give him anything unless I absolutely have to. These drops were a life saver but I learnt so much throughout my time traveling with him that I am in no need of the drops anymore. I always carry them with me just in case though. They give me peace of mind and I do not feel bad for giving him 100% natural drops for stress relieve.

One day before your flight

6. Hygiene

Always bathe your dog before going on a plane. The last thing you want is passengers complaining about a “wet-dog” smell. Even if you think you dog doesn’t smell, give him a bath out of courtesy.

7. Snacks

Your dog will not have food before his flight so he will be hungry. I always prepare a peanut butter stuffed Kong for him that I take on the plane. I also pack some rawhides since they keep my dog busy. When I fly internationally, there are typically 2 meals provided by the airline. During every meal, I give my dog either the Kong or the rawhide to distract him from my food. My dog typically doesn’t beg, but when he is hungry it is difficult to not beg (which is totally understandable).


8. Food

Depending on the duration of your flight, do not feed your dog before. If your flight is around 2pm in the afternoon, his/her last meal would be dinner the night before. I typically give my dog late dinner so he has time to digest the food overnight, relieve himself in the morning and does not have the urge to go on the plane. I make sure that my dog ALWAYS has access to water. Especially since traveling can be stressful for you dog, he/she must have the opportunity to drink. Not giving you dog access to water might cause a UTI or other painful conditions. Make sure you do not give your dog anything from the table. I know it is hard to resist your dogs’ puppy eyes, especially since you know he/she hasn’t had food, but you need to stay strong. You want to avoid any foods that might cause diarrhea or stinky gas in your dog.

9. Calming Scent

There are two scents I put into my dogs pet carrier: The first one is a few drops of lavender oil underneath his absorbent mat. Lavender has a calming effect on humans as well on dogs. The other scent is my own. I typically put a worn t-shirt of mine into his carrier. A familiar scent helps your dog to keep anxiety in check and remind him/her of a save place (which is with you).

The day of your flight

10. Find Pet Relieve Areas

All US airports are required to provide a pet relieve area. Make sure you get familiar with the airport before departure to give your dog a chance to relieve himself. If you have a stop at another airport, find the relief area inside the arrival area. Check out this website to find pet relieve areas at US airports.

11. Activity

Before my flight I made sure to be VERY active. I play, run, go on long walks and make my dog REALLY tired. This will help to calm your dog and to make sure he will just go to sleep on the plane.

12. Sleep

Ok, this one is a little more difficult but DO NOT let your dog sleep before your flight. You probably noticed that your dog snoozes off throughout the day. Dogs sleep up to 16-20hrs per day so its natural for them to rest a lot. Before going on a plane, I try to wake my dog up every time he snoozes off. I engage him with toys or playtime to keep him awake. I want my dog to go sleep on the plane, so its essential to not let him sleep before.

11. Arrive Early

For international flights, I arrive at the airport 3 hours before my flight to make sure there won’t be any problems checking in. Dropping off bags and checking the paperwork at the counter early, prevents waiting in long lines and gives you enough time to go to the pet relieve area or outside (sometimes there are green patches around the airport) before your flight.

Traveling with your dog is stressful, but the better you are prepared, the easier it will be. As long as you have the right documentation and follow the steps above, nothing can go wrong. Your dog knows when you are nervous so try to be as calm as possible.

Save Travels!



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