Dealing with Mites on Your Dog

Mites are part of the arachnid family, like ticks and spiders. They can be a real headache to deal with for our four-legged pals.

In this blog post, we'll dive into what mites are, how your dog might get them, and when it's time to go to your vet.

Dog with a Severe Case of Mange

What Are Mites?

Mites are tiny, almost invisible creatures, that have eight legs. Some can live in water or soil, on plants or on dogs and humans. Most mites are harmless, but some might cause health problems in dogs when they infest the skin, ears, or other parts of the body.

Three common mites that might cause health issues for your dog include Demodex mites (which can lead to demodectic mange), Sarcoptes mites (responsible for sarcoptic mange or scabies), and ear mites (Otodectes cynotis).

How Do Dogs Get These Mites?

If your dog is stressed or deals with health issues, they might be more vulnerable to these unwanted animals.

Your dog can pick up mites from various sources. Mites can hide in contaminated bedding, grooming tools or in other animals.

Is It Dangerous if Your Dog Has Mites?

Mites can cause symptoms like scratching, redness, hair loss, and irritated skin. If left untreated, mites can make things worse, leading to infections or other complications.

So, while they're not always life-threatening, you definitely don't want your pup to suffer needlessly.

What Can I Do To Get Rid Of Mites?

  • Medicated Shampoos:

    Medicated shampoos specifically designed to target mites can help eliminate infestations. I linked a product that can easily be ordered from Amazon. Your dog is going to get rid of the mites in no time!

  • Mange Relief Pills: Instead of using medicated Shampoo, you can also use pills that will help with the itching and hair loss.

  • Environmental Cleaning: To prevent reinfestation, thoroughly clean your dog's bedding, grooming tools, and living areas. Cleaning the bedding with hot water helps to kill mites. Vacuuming can also reduce the mite population in your home.

  • Prescription Medications: In more severe cases, your vet may prescribe oral or topical medications to combat mites. These treatments are necessary to treat advanced infestations.

Mange Relief Pills

Mange Relief Shampoo

When To See A Vet?

If you suspect that your dog has mites or if they are displaying any of the symptoms mentioned above, it's important to consult your vet. A veterinarian can diagnose the type of mite infestation and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

Mites in dogs are not always life-threatening, but they can cause discomfort and health issues if left untreated. While some over-the-counter treatments are available, it's important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Ultimately, dealing with mites on your dog is manageable with the right steps and some proper care. After all, your furry friend deserves all the love and care in the world!

Giggles and Wiggles,




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