When Should You Switch From Puppy To Adult Food?

Puppies grow up so fast! Many things will change as your puppy transitions into adulthood, and it might be time to switch their food from puppy to adult food.

Today, we will explore why this switch is important, when it's the right time to make it, and how to smoothly transition your pup to adult food.

Is There Truly A Difference Between Adult and Puppy Food?

Yes! Puppy food is designed to support growth when raising a puppy. It has higher protein, calcium, phosphorous (a mineral that helps balancing minerals and vitamins), and fat content than adult dog food.

It's very important to switch to adult food at the right time to prevent obesity since puppy foods are packed with calories. That's why it's important to feed your puppy different food than an adult dog.

That is why it is important to feed your puppy a different food than an adult dog.

When Do I Need to Make The Switch?

Different dog sizes might require you to switch earlier than others. Below, you can check when is the right timing to switch to adult dog food based on breed size.

This recommendation is based on the adult size of your dog, not the weight of your current puppy. For example, if you own a Border Collie puppy that is 20lbs right now, it will most likely fall into the medium sized breed as an adult dog, and not the small breed.

Small breeds (<25lbs): Start feeding adult food around 10-12 months of age.

Medium breeds (25-50lbs): Start feeding adult food around 12-16 months of age.

Large breeds (50-75lbs): Start feeding adult food around 16-20 months of age.

Giant breeds (>75lbs): Start feeding adult food around 18-24 months of age.

How Do I Make The Switch?

It's important not to switch your dog's food abruptly. Gradually mix the new food into the existing food to avoid upsetting their stomach or causing diarrhea. It is best to take 3-4 days to switch from puppy to adult food. Here's a recommended feeding schedule:

Day 1: Mix a small amount of the new adult food with the puppy food. You should have around 75% of the puppy food and 25% of the new dog food.

Day 2: Gradually increase the amount of adult food. Aim for a 50/50 mix of adult and puppy food.

Day 3: Increase the proportion of adult food to 75% while reducing the puppy food to 25%.

Day 4: Transition to feeding 100% adult dog food. Congrats, your dog now fully changed to adult food.

Always monitor your dog's bowel movements and behavior to ensure they're not allergic to the new food. If you notice any changes, stop feeding the adult food and consult a veterinarian.

How Often Do I Feed My Dog Now?

While transitioning from puppy to adult food, it might be best to reduce the number of feedings per day. Puppies typically receive three or more smaller portions throughout the day. Larger breeds should continue with three feedings, while smaller and medium-sized dogs can now be fed twice per day.

Remember, the amount of food you feed, might change depending on how active your dog is and if your dog is neutered or spayed.

Good luck with the switch!

Giggles and Wiggles,




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