Why Is My Dog’s Nose Crusty?
Last week, my dog had his buddy Pancho over for a playdate, and it was a blast watching them have a great time together! But something caught my attention—Pancho's nose seemed a bit dry. It was a first for me, so I hopped online to do some research. Turns out, it's very common for dogs to have dry noses. Who knew, right?
Keep reading to find out reasons why your dog’s nose is crusty and how to fix it!
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Reasons and Treatment of a Crusty Nose
Having a crusty nose in dogs is like having cracked lips in humans. It's often a sign of dehydration, which can be easily addressed by ensuring your dog drinks enough water. But how can you ensure that your dog is hydrated? Well, your dog should have access to their water bowl at all times. If you notice they haven't been drinking enough water, you can also offer them watermelon, which is 90% water and safe for dogs in moderation.
Another way to soothe their nose is by using vaseline. While it's commonly used for human skincare, it's safe for dogs as it's fragrance-free and non-toxic. Just be sure to apply it thinly to avoid them ingesting too much.
In Pancho's case, his mom applied some Vaseline that quickly got rid of the crusty nose. Since he uses a slow-eater bowl, we suspect that the openings in the bowl are too tight for his nose. Repeated bumping against the sides of the bowl might have caused his nose to become irritated.
Dogs can end up with a crusty nose because of Hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis occurs when there's an overproduction of keratin, which results in a thickened skin. Normally, keratin doesn't build up on the nose because dogs constantly bump against surfaces and lick their noses. But if there's too much keratin, it can lead to a crusty nose. This can also happen on their paws, so keep an eye out!
Age can also be a factor. As dogs get older, they may not sniff around as much, which can lead to a buildup of keratin on their noses.
Breed can play a role too. Short-nosed breeds like pugs, bulldogs, or boxers are more prone to hyperkeratosis. Their nose shape makes it less likely for them to touch surfaces like their food bowl, leading to a buildup of keratin.
Zinc Deficiency is also a reason for hyperkeratosis. If your dog isn't getting enough zinc from their diet, it can lead to an overproduction of keratin. Thankfully, this is easily addressed by adding a zinc supplement to their meals.
I've included a link to a multivitamin from Pet Honesty. It's loaded with zinc and also contains probiotics, omegas, and glucosamine, which are great for joints and brain health. And to top it off, it's peanut butter flavored—my dog's absolute favorite!
If your dog has a crusty nose, it could be a sign of fungus. But no need to panic! While it sounds scary, it is easily treated with an anti-fungal solution like the one you see in the image.
Curaseb has these handy little anti-fungal wipes designed just for that. Super easy to use—just wipe your dog's nose with them. No pills required, it's all topical!
A crusty nose might also be a sign of a viral infection, like canine distemper. It is a serious infection, that attacks the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, leading to symptoms such as nasal discharge, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can sometimes even lead to disorientation and seizures in dogs. A sign of this infection is hyperkeratosis on their nose and paws. If you notice that your dog has behavior changes and/or any above mentioned symptoms, you need to go see a vet immediately!
When to see a Vet?
Hyperkeratosis is not a medical emergency and can easily be soothed with some good ol' Vaseline to ease the cracks. However, if you notice that your dog is limping due to hyperkeratosis on their paws or excessively licking their nose due to discomfort, even after using Vaseline, it might be time to see a vet.
If the crusty nose is accompanied by other symptoms like diarrhea or vomiting, you need to see a vet immediately. They can prescribe stronger medications tailored specifically to your dog's needs.
I hope your furry friend feels better soon!
Giggles and Wiggles,